Orientation Marketing

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Agency Spotlight Series: Lucy Clements

In this Orientation Marketing agency spotlight series, we speak to Digital Marketing Apprentice, Lucy Clements.

From time to time, we speak to a member of the Orientation Marketing team to find out a little more about their roles at Orientation Marketing, as well as what makes them tick.

Today we speak to Lucy Clements.

Tell Us a Little Bit About Your Role At Orientation Marketing?

My role consists of supporting the wider team on all aspects of digital marketing. This includes social media content, email marketing, database work and managing the Orientation Marketing website. I am currently studying through a Multi-Channel Marketer apprenticeship programme run by Apprentify where I will develop my knowledge in social media, search engine optimisation and pay-per-click. I will gradually expand into other areas as I become familiar with the agency’s work.

What Is Your Favourite Part Of The Working Day?

My favourite part of the day is when we all arrive in the office, being able to catch up with everyone and hear about different projects they are working on at the moment. This allows me to keep up to date with what my colleagues are doing in order to assist them efficiently. This is also a very productive time for me as I map out what I’ll be doing throughout the day, as well as creating my to-do list to stay organised.

How Did You Come About Working In Marketing?

I have always been interested in the way marketing is used to entice people to buy your product or service. This led me to reach out to Orientation Marketing back in 2021 to ask about work experience to see if marketing really was for me. One week later and I loved it, which resulted in me returning last year to help with client projects, leading to a full-time position here at Orientation Marketing. Each day I am learning more and more about marketing which is enhancing my interest further.

Tell Us About Your Best Day At The Agency So Far...

I don’t think I would be able to choose one day in particular but I would say the entirety of my first week. Being able to meet all the team, find out exactly what tasks I will be taking part in and discover how I will contribute to the team. I think the first week of a job is so important, almost straight away you can gauge if you’re going to fit in and whether you will enjoy the job. Luckily for me, I knew straight away that I’d love it!

What Inspires You?

Being able to always learn and develop further. For me, one of the most important things in life is constantly pushing forward and working towards more. Whether it’s learning a new skill or exploring things from a different perspective, I love discovering new things to make me progress. The ability to strive for more and knowing I can become more successful inspires me to continue pushing for what I want each day.

Recommend A TV Series/Film You Recently Watched.

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened. I’ve seen this a million and one times but what happened still amazes me. It’s definitely worth a watch if you haven’t seen it before!

Recommend Some Music.

Quite a random one but I would say anything by Ludovico Einaudi. He is an incredible pianist and composer and everything I hear of his is fantastic. If not, Harry Styles is always an excellent choice. 

What’s Your Weirdest Habit?

I would say talking to myself, I think most people do this but if someone could hear me, I’m sure they would be slightly confused. Certain things just need to be said out loud.

What Skill Do You Think Everyone Should Learn?

The ability to treat everyone equally. This probably seems extremely basic and like something that we all do already, but I think sometimes we forget that no matter the amount of authority someone has, or the level of power they may or may not have, everyone is still the same. Most people will subconsciously have a preconceived idea about someone, but I think going through life it’s important to remember, that even if somebody isn’t as successful (who is to say whether someone is or isn’t), or isn’t as powerful, it doesn’t mean they are any less valued.

Lucy joins Orientation Marketing as a Digital Marketing Apprentice and will support the wider team on all aspects of digital marketing. She comes to the agency having studied business, psychology, and media studies, and her current apprenticeship follows two periods of work experience with us. She is currently studying through an advanced digital marketer programme run by Apprentify, a leading apprenticeship training agency, where, alongside on-the-job learning, Lucy will develop her knowledge through formal training in social media, branding, search engine optimisation and pay-per-click.

For more, find Lucy on LinkedIn.

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