Orientation Marketing Gains SharpSpring Silver Certification

Following recent implementation work, Orientation Marketing has been promoted to a SharpSpring Silver Level Certified Partner.

SharpSpring is the marketing automation engine that drives our client inbound marketing campaigns, as well as our own, offering a wide array of features to make sure that users get all the online marketing functionalities that they need without having to plug into externally hosted websites.

Some key features include behavioural-based email automation, dynamic form creation, lead engagement, identification and scoring, custom landing page creation and analytics.

Orientation Marketing as a Silver Level Certified SharpSpring Partner has recently adopted the tool successfully, using it for a number of campaigns and websites. We benefit from using the tool as it is able to track incoming sales and prospects for our clients and ourselves.

The solution accelerates workflows as it stores all key sales and marketing materials in a single location improving users’ lead conversion rates.

“It’s great to have gained SharpSpring’s Silver Level Certification so soon after becoming a SharpSpring Partner,” said Gareth Roberts, Campaigns Manager at Orientation Marketing.

“We have started using the system for our own marketing automation, as well as for a number of our clients and are quickly realising the benefits of such a flexible and cost-effective system. We are excited about what the new partnership will bring in the future."

For more information about inbound marketing, automation and SharpSpring, please get in touch.

25 Pharma marketing tactics

Orientation Marketing

News and updates about the agency from Orientation Marketing.


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