Pharmaceutical Marketing Magazines: 5 to Follow

A list of the 5 pharmaceutical marketing magazines commonly seen around our office…

Walk into the Orientation Marketing office and you’ll see rows and rows and pharmaceutical magazines on our range of bookshelves.

This includes all the magazines which we use to promote our client’s organisations and their products and services. On these shelves, you’ll see hundreds of different titles spanning the entire pharmaceutical and life science sectors, such as biopharma, food, nutraceuticals… (there are too many to note).


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But we also subscribed to a small selection of magazines specifically covering marketing and commercial topics within pharma. These are magazines solely focused on the business - and more so, promotional - side of the pharmaceutical industry, rather than focusing on the production or the manufacturing process.

When we say small, we mean 5. This post provides a list of those pharmaceutical marketing magazines, and for the marketing, commercial, digital, branding, sales or new business executive, some of these magazines are a must. So, hit subscribe to receive more posts such as this one and read on to discover those magazines.


Below, in no specific order, is the marketing magazines which you will find around the Orientation Marketing office that we read, quote and often refer to daily. Reading any of these will make you a better and more strategic marketer in the pharmaceutical industry.


Pharmaceutical Executive has long been the trusted source of information for non-science professionals working in the pharmaceutical industry. Senior decision-makers turn to this magazine for insights, news and opinions about the developments within the pharmaceutical industry, and how to respond to those specific developments.

Topics within the Pharmaceutical Executive magazine include global strategy, marketing, research and development, regulation, technology as well as leadership, amongst other topics related to the business side of pharma. The marketing-related articles are worthy of a read (which are also featured on the website), such as a recent article on digital transformation which has previously been shared on our channels.


The Medical, Marketing and Media (MM&M) magazine is also another must-have resource for the pharmaceutical marketers reading list. It features news, analysis, reports and surveys for leaders, thinkers, marketers and creatives involved in the promotion and commercialisation of prescription medicines, products and services. It prides itself on keeping executives up-to-date with the latest on medical marketing.

Each week, the magazine publishes its “five things for pharma marketers to know” feature on its website (accessible via its social channels) which provides a useful update on the pressing pharmaceutical marketing issues. The physical magazine is a paid-for subscription, but it does offer great content in a friendly manner and is certainly worthy of consideration if you are looking to spend a little on personal development.


PM360 is another magazine which we would recommend for those working in and around pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device marketing. The magazine delivers the full spectrum of practical information necessary for product managers and pharma marketing professionals to succeed in the complex and highly regulated healthcare environment.

It focuses on issues such as strategic planning and implementation, technological advances, branding/marketing, advertising/promotion, patient/professional education, sales, market research and public relations. If you are a decision-maker working around the business side of pharmaceuticals or working in a pharmaceutical marketing position, this magazine is recommended for your reading list. A recent article, entitled “2020 Vision - 10 Trends to Watch,” offers an interesting perspective for the future of pharma marketing, and beyond.


PharmaVOICE magazine allows business leaders to engage in a candid dialogue on the challenges and trends impacting the pharmaceutical industry. Similar to Pharmaceutical Executive, this magazine is created for the business-orientated pharmaceutical executive. Should you want something more related to the business for pharma, PharmaVOICE would be more suitable when compared to MM&M, which is focused on just marketing and promotional implications.

PharmaVOICE provides readers with insightful and thought-provoking commentary in a multiple-perspective format through forums, topics, and articles covering a range of issues from molecule through market. See February’s digital edition here.


Finally… something a little different. Catalyst is the quarterly magazine of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). This is a member-only magazine for the strategic marketer, bringing business leaders the latest insight and knowledge from across the profession. Among the first four on the list, Catalyst is another magazine that hovers around the Orientation Marketing office.

Membership to CIM is required for the full physical version of this magazine, but “Catalyst Lite” can be accessed online for non-members. Although this magazine isn’t specifically for the pharmaceutical industry, it does publish features within pharma and healthcare, and all of the content is highly suitable for senior marketers operating within global B2B environments and offers a range of articles that are both provoking and well-written which you can take and alter your marketing activities where required.


Above are our 5 most-read magazines specific to marketing, communications, sales and commercial roles in the pharmaceutical industry. Feel free to investigate each to determine which is a better fit for you and your role, and also please check out our new e-book with resources also specific to pharmaceutical marketers.

Have I missed a pharmaceutical marketing magazine? Please get in touch so we can add to this list.

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Gareth Roberts

A Chartered Marketer, Gareth has held various marketing positions over 12 years across technology organisations, B2B consultancies and digital agencies. He has experience in content creation, email marketing, social media, PR and inbound marketing on a strategic and tactical level. He holds SharpSpring and HubSpot awards, including the Inbound and HubSpot Marketing Software certifications and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He brings his experience to help with client inbound and digital marketing needs to build audiences, generate marketing leads and drive customer acquisition.


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